Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blogger: How to change the Favicon on your blog

If you do not know how to change the Favicon from you Blogger blog, please be informed that this can be easily done.

First of all you will need a picture that will become your Favicon. For this please use a square image with the dimension less than 100KB.  Is very important to be a square image, otherwise Blogger wouldn’t accept it.
As a recommendation you can use PNG files which may have transparent areas, etc., but it depends of what you want.

In our case we will use the following image, which was created in only few minutes:

Once you have your image, save it on your computer and you can start customize your blog:

1. Now Sign in to your Blogger Account and Log in.

2. Choose your blog (if you have more) and after that go to Layout – as you can see below.

3. Press Edit from Favicon area and after, all you will have to do is to upload the image saved on your computer.

4. After upload, your Favicon is changed even if the modification doesn’t occur immediately, because of the browser cache – may take from few hours to one day. If you want to hurry up the change, you can clear your browser cache.


5. But how to verify if change is really done? There is an answer: write in your browser the following link, preferable in another browser than the one in which you made the customization replacing “blog-name” with your own blog:


6. Now should be done, but if you have any question do not hesitate to address them.

*   If you have any other question do not hesitate to address them.
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